School Clubs
School uniform
Internet Safety
We love dressing up for World Book Day!
Nursery celebrating France for European Language Day.
Reception celebrating Netherlands for European Language day.
Year 1 enjoyed making pizza to celebrate the Italian culture for European Language day.
Year 2shared their knowledge of Japan for European Language day.
Year 3 shared their flamenco dance to celebrate Spain for European Language Day.
Year 4 celebrated Germany by sharing German Phrases for European language day.
St Roberts enjoyed their assembly by singing a song to celebrate European Language Day. 'Hello to all the children of the world'.
As part of Enterprise Y4 made and sold their products at Morpeth Market.
We enjoy celebrating Mass with Fr Peter.
The staff worked hard to make sure that they are always learning too!
Year 1 made crazy hair by blow painting poster paints.
EYFS were 'buzzy' making bees.
Year 1 enjoyed mark making by rolling balls in paint.
A Level art students worked with Year 3.
They made pieces of fluid art using poster paint and PVA glue.
A finished piece.
Year 3 used pencils to sketch and colour insects - looking carefully at details.
Year 2 and Year 3 worked with the students to marble paper using marbling inks.
Every piece of marbled paper is different!