Mission Statement


What is a vision statement? A Vision Statement is a precise definition of what an organisation does and what it wants to accomplish in the future. Often it describes not just the future of the organisation but the future of the industry or society in which the organisation hopes to effect change.


The School Vision is:

To provide a stimulating learning experience which encourages our children to aspire to excellence in all areas of life. They will become happy, confident, independent and resilient, treating others with the respect and love that Jesus taught us.



What is a mission statement? A Mission Statement concentrates on the present; it is a formal summary of the aims and values of an organisation. It should guide the actions of the organisation, spell out its overall goal, provide a path and guide decision-making by defining the target audience(s), approach and the desired level of performance.


The School Mission Statement is:

We care, we serve, we learn together in the love and truth of Jesus.


Strategic plan:

Once a vision and mission has been set, an under-pinning strategy is then developed. The strategy defines the framework of how the vision and mission is to be achieved.



  • To ensure our children feel safe, are enthusiastic, secure and confident and that they enjoy their learning and are successful in it.  

  • To nurture their uniqueness, respond to their diverse needs and enable them to succeed and make a meaningful contribution to the world.

  • To promote a culture of excellence both inside and outside the classroom.

  • To create a caring community in which each child is enabled to fulfil their full potential; spiritually, morally and academically.

  • To create an environment in which each child is encouraged to develop an enquiring mind and a life-long love of learning,

  • To ensure that every aspect of school life is rooted in the Gospel values.

  • To recognise and value parents as the first educators of their children, fostering positive relationships and strong working partnerships between the school, parents, and all those responsible for the children’s welfare and education.

  • To encourage each child to aspire to good moral behaviour and guide each child towards maturity; enabling each child to become a caring, responsible, active member of the community.

  • To ensure our learning environment, both indoor and outdoor, is exciting, encourages all to participate, celebrates learning and is well maintained and safe.


Strategic Plan

St Robert’s First School aspires to be a welcoming, inclusive family with a Catholic ethos, a sense of community and a commitment to excellence for all children in our care.


Towards this we strive to be a school where:

  • To further develop our outstanding EYFS provision.

  • To demonstrate excellence in Catholic leadership and to support and learn from other schools within the diocese and Morpeth Partnership.

  • To provide more outstanding teaching.

  • To provide a curriculum which is broad, balanced and engaging and which gives our children the knowledge base they need to access future learning

  • To provide excellent Religious Education and spiritual nourishment for our children.

  • To develop a structured extracurricular and personal development programme for all our pupils allowing them to develop their own talents and interests, giving them confidence and resilience to succeed in later life.

  • To investigate opportunities to improve the availability of continuous Catholic education for our children.


Our strategic plan for the coming 3 years has a focus on the areas that will deliver the greatest impact for children.  It is in line with the School Improvement Plan priorities of Effectiveness of Leadership and Management, Quality of Teaching, Learning and Assessment, Personal Development and Behaviour and Welfare and Outcomes for Pupils.



Created September 2018

Reviewed September 2021

Reviewed September 2024

St Robert's Catholic First School is part of the Bishop Bewick Catholic Education Trust

A company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number No 7841435.

Registered Office: Fenham Hall Drive, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE4 9YH